‘I learned to place my life in the Lord’: How Shepherd interns grew in their faith and service

May 23, 2024

In the first of two articles about Shepherd Community Center’s 2023 interns, we asked the students about their experiences serving at Shepherd. Here are their answers:

Josiah Bradbury

From Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada; he attends Indiana Wesleyan University.

Q. Why did you choose to intern at Shepherd? Josiah: God opened a door to learn in a different space, and I believe he’s called me to this space at this time.

Q. What were your expectations of interning at Shepherd? Josiah: To learn and grow in different ways.

Jeffer Ward

From Vancouver, B.C., Canada; he attends Douglas College.

Q. Why did you choose to intern at Shepherd? Jeffer: I chose Shepherd because I wanted to go to a different environment and experience the different ways God works.

Q. What were your expectations of interning at Shepherd? Jeffer: I was expecting to experience a lot with work, but also being in a new area and meeting new people.

Q. What did you learn as an intern? Jeffer: I learned to be patient with myself and to open up more with others and Christ.

Brice Rupert

From Charleston, S.C.; he attends Trevecca Nazarene University.

Q. Why did you choose to intern at Shepherd? Brice: God called so my wife and I listened and followed.

Q. What were your expectations of interning at Shepherd? Brice: None other than God would move and love others through us.

Q. What did you learn as an intern? Brice: How to be strict in love to provide a foundation of growth for students. More fully how to love those who are difficult to love.

Abigail Taylor

From Nashville, Tenn.; she attends Trevecca Nazarene University.

Q. Why did you choose to intern at Shepherd? Abigail: I chose to attend Shepherd for my internship to grow relationally and spiritually in a community that has Christ at the heart of its mission — to break the cycle of generational poverty. I also believe in the compassionate ministry that Shepherd promotes, and truly serving God’s children through the education of children (and the children educating the adults as well).

Q. What were your expectations of interning at Shepherd? Abigail: At first, they were not high expectations. I was afraid I wouldn’t get along with the other interns and that I wasn’t qualified for the position. As I got more involved in the internship, my expectations changed completely. I learned to trust in God and place my faith in Him.

Q. What did you learn from interning? Abigail: I learned to grow spiritually. I learned to be patient and truly listen to God’s voice – the still quiet voice and the memorable, loud voice. I learned to place my faith in Jesus Christ with the children, expectations, hopes and aspirations. Essentially, I learned to place my life in the Lord.

Nicole Weaver

From Springfield, Ill.; she attends Illinois State University.

Q. Why did you choose to intern at Shepherd? Nicole: I chose to intern at Shepherd because I love the mission statement. As a social work major who wants to work with children and families, I thought this would be a great opportunity to serve this community in a Christ-like way.

Q. What were your expectations of interning at Shepherd? Nicole: I expected this summer to be challenging but also encouraging. I knew it would be a very eye-opening experience. I also expected to grow and learn a lot.

Q. What did you learn from interning? Nicole: I learned a lot about patience and grace this summer. God really opened my heart and my mind to new perspectives. I learned that we can learn so much from children, especially from their faith in God. I loved seeing their faith and their confidence in God grow, which encouraged me too.

Roman Schwarz

From Kansas City, Mo.; he attends Olivet Nazarene University.

Q. Why did you choose to intern at Shepherd? Roman: I chose to intern at Shepherd because I am passionate about a lot of what Shepherd works to do: compassionate ministry, sharing the love of Jesus, building relationships, and breaking the cycle of poverty.

Q. What were your expectations of interning at Shepherd? Roman: I expected an environment different from what I was used to. I expected to grow in faith and build skills towards working with people.

Q. What did you learn as an intern? Roman: Ministry is tough; it needs to be done with a mindset that is fully reliant on God. I learned how to love those who are hard to love. I learned that love can mean being firm and building boundaries.

Zaira Tovar

From Vancouver, Canada; she attends Douglas College.

Q. Why did you choose to intern at Shepherd? Zaira: It was offered to me as an opportunity to come and work with kids and I just liked that idea and said yes. I knew I was coming to serve and God has definitely called me into ministry.

Q. What were your expectations of interning at Shepherd? Zaira: I came here knowing I was going to develop my leadership, and know I was going to learn from the kids and other staff. In the end, I knew God was going to lead my time here.

Q. What did you learn as an intern? Zaira: I developed a lot of independence. I also learned that I need to be kind in how I treat others because there is so much background that the outside world does not know the person is going through.

Erica Rupert

From Nashville, Tenn.; she attends Trevecca Nazarene University.

Q. Why did you choose to intern at Shepherd? Erica: I wanted a place to do ministry alongside my new husband after we got married, in a place already doing kingdom work. I have a passion for compassionate ministries and love everything Shepherd is doing.

Q. What were your expectations of interning at Shepherd? Erica: Partnering alongside people also passionate about ushering in the kingdom of God and living alongside people wanting to be Jesus to others.

Q. What did you learn as an intern? Erica: How much this truly is about God and not about me. There were many, many days that I felt like I wasn’t doing anything right and that maybe God didn’t really call us here. And yet, people constantly said that I had great patience, grace, compassion, and love for these kids, and I know it was God working in and through me to love everyone around me.

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